We attend conferences and exhibitions and also host our own conference. See our upcoming events below.
We will be present on the OSJ conferences in London the 3rd and 4th of February. Come visit our booth for an introduction to the UniSea HSEQ & operations suite, or tools for Planned maintenance, Drydocking projects and inspections.
We will attend the conference, and also have a stand located in the exhibition area. Come and learn about our Maritime Software suite, and how we can enhance your workflow and help your shipping company on your digitalization journey
Visit our Sea Asia stand, we are looking forward to reconnect with contacts when we are showcasing our maritime software suite in Singapore.
We are attending the Åland Maritime Day in May!
We are looking forward to meet existing and new potential customer at Nor Shipping 2025!
We are looking forward to showcase our maritime software suite for HSEQ, Operations, Planned Maintenance, Drydocking projects and Inspections in Southampton this summer! hoping to see both existing and new customers there!
We are looking forward to visit Brasil again, to showcase our maritime software suite for HSEQ, Operations, Planned maintenance and drydocking projects! looking forward to meet existing customers and to explore new business opportunities and partnerships.
Looking forward to connect with existing customers and new potential partnerships! stop by for a speed meeting or a demonstration of our maritime software suite within HSEQ, Operations, PMS, Purchasing and Drydocking Projects.
Vi ser frem til å møte dere på maritim uke, for nye kontakter, nye partnerskap og for å få vist dere markedets beste software løsninger på HSEQ, Operasjon, Planlagt vedlikehold, Dry docking prosjekter og inspeksjoner.